Lo sciroppo di glucosio in polvere 38-39DE di Saporepuro è un dolcificante versatile e di alta qualità, derivato dalla Francia e confezionato in Italia. La sua consistenza in polvere lo rende ideale per una vasta gamma di applicazioni culinarie.
Può essere utilizzato per dolcificare e migliorare la consistenza in una vasta gamma di ricette. Aggiungi una dolcezza naturale ai dolci, come caramelle fatte in casa, gelati o creme pasticcere. Inoltre, è un componente chiave per preparare fondente, marmellate, e cioccolatini, conferendo una consistenza liscia e setosa.
It has the main function of binding and giving stability to foods; it is able to adjust taste and flavor to the preparations in which it is present, without ever being too sweet to the palate, as well as the ability to be used and dosed easily even by those who are not professional chefs or pastry chefs. Compared to sucrose, glucose has 30 percent less sweetening power and is clearly less sweet than fructose, the sweetest naturally occurring sugar contained in and extracted from fruits and honey. It is sufficient to combine three parts water to seven parts glucose powder, just as by combining 20% water to the desired amount of glucose powder, glucose syrup can be obtained.
Ricetta: Caramelle morbide al gusto di frutta
- 200g di sciroppo di glucosio in polvere 38-39DE
- 400g di zucchero
- 200ml di acqua
- Coloranti alimentari (a scelta)
- Aromi naturali (a scelta)
- In una pentola, unisci lo sciroppo di glucosio in polvere, lo zucchero e l'acqua. Scalda a fuoco medio, mescolando fino a quando lo zucchero si scioglie completamente.
- Una volta che il composto ha raggiunto il bollore, abbassa leggermente il fuoco e continua a cuocere senza mescolare fino a raggiungere i 150°C (utilizzando un termometro per caramelle).
- Togli dal fuoco e aggiungi coloranti e aromi a piacere, mescolando delicatamente.
- Versa il composto su un vassoio foderato di carta da forno e lascia raffreddare leggermente.
- Con delle forbici oleate, taglia il composto in piccoli pezzi o usa degli stampi per caramelle per dar loro la forma desiderata.
- Lascia raffreddare completamente prima di conservarle in un contenitore ermetico.
Questa ricetta ti permette di creare delle caramelle morbide al gusto di frutta, personalizzabili secondo le tue preferenze.
Sciroppo di glucosio disidratato 38/39 DE
Dosage: according to recipes.
Formato: 1kg
Campi di utilizzo: gelateria, pasticceria e cucina molecolare.
ICE CREAM: Glucose syrup powder is the favorite sugar of master ice cream makers , providing an especially smooth texture to ice creams, parfaits and sorbets. It has a lower freezing point than sucrose, going to prevent the formation of ice crystals to a decrease of water in the mixture.
BAKERY: It is a favorite of pastry chefs because it is more conducive to browning baked goods such as cakes and plumcakes. It goes a long way toward limiting crystallization of frostings. Also an essential ingredient for cake design.
In combination with powdered sugar, gelatinizing thickeners of animal origin such as isinglass, or of plant origin such as agar agar, glucose syrup allows the creation of imaginative sugarpaste, as well as shiny and colorful icings. In addition, by adding CMC to the dough you can go on to create more complex decorative elements such as flowers and characters for garnishing your spectacular cakes.
COOKING: It is used to sweeten jams, homemade preserves and drinks of all kinds. It is an excellent natural preservative for food.
MIXOLOGY: useful for the production of liquid sugar useful for the preparation of cocktails, fruit in syrup.
MOLECOLAR CUISINE: "fried not fried" is an alternative, fat-free frying method that is widely used especially in molecular cuisine. It guarantees a light and crispy result for both sweet and savory foods. In fact, glucose powder has a greater heat-conducting capacity than oil, speeding up frying. Its thickening properties allow foods to retain more liquids and flavors ensuring a soft inside and crispy outside result.