In this article, we will explain how to make a raspberry mirror glaze using 64% raspberry puree.
To make the mirror glaze we will need:

First Phase:
Hydrate the powdered gelatin with water.
Weigh the 50g of Gelatin Powder 200bloom with 4 times the weight in water, or 200g of water. You can add and mix with a spoon and leave the lumps slightly larger or heat in a saucepan for maximum dispersion.

Mixing subsequently with boiling liquid, we preferred to let it act without mixing initially. (as can be seen in the photo).

Phase Two:
Weigh the rest of the ingredients except the cocoa butter in a saucepan.

Phase three:
Bring everything to the boil

Phase Four:
Weigh the 250g of Cocoa Butter in a larger jug, adding the hydrated gelatine (after 5 minutes) and if you want, the advice is to add 1g of powdered colouring to give greater emphasis to the colour.
Pour (once it has reached boiling point) the mixture onto the rest of the ingredients in the jug.

Phase Five:
Mix without incorporating air bubbles with a suitable mixer (How Bamix or Dynamix ) until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous sauce.

From this moment, you need to cover it with cling film and let it rest for at least 24 hours.
This wait is essential to ensure that the gelatine performs its best and all the ingredients are properly hydrated.
At the end of 24 hours we will have a solid mass with an almost opaque color.
We take the quantity we need and put it in a container that goes into the microwave and heat it in several steps until it reaches a temperature between 38°C and 41°C.

Always mix without incorporating air bubbles, even several times during the various heating steps.

Once it has reached the temperature it can be poured into the moulds.
In this case, metal rings were used (and a basic semifreddo with 70% cream), with a shape that was not even precise and with some defects. The best molds are those in SILICONE , so as to have the perfect and smooth mold.
Please remember that the semifreddo or cake must be very cold, leaving them in the freezer for at least 8 hours. (if you have a blast chiller, leave them in the blast chiller for at least 20 minutes).
Pour the icing from the center to the edges using circular movements.

Remove the excess and let it drain.

Once the icing has finished pouring, place it in the fridge for a few minutes and then decorate as desired.

If you have any questions, want more information or requests... write it in the comments!👇