Simple Guide to Artisan Ice Cream: Discover the Secrets of Bases, Neutrals and Stabilizers
Who doesn't love a good ice cream? It is a treat that conquers many, but its creaminess hides an interesting science.
Ice cream bases, neutrals, and stabilizers are key ingredients in creating the perfect ice cream.
In this article we try to better understand the world of ice cream, from artisanal to industrial versions, and the conflicting opinions on bases and neutrals. The text is based on our daily experience in the industry, working closely with ice cream makers and ice cream professionals.
Bump and grind with ice cream
First, what is ice cream?
It is a mixture of liquids, solids and air. Liquids can be milk, water, cream or fruit juices. The solids include sugars, thickeners, fats and dry ingredients. Air is incorporated during the whisking process.
Creating ice cream is not as simple as mixing milk, sugar and eggs. It is a complex mixture that requires specific ingredients and a process of cooling and stirring to achieve a creamy consistency.
What kind of ice cream do you want to achieve?
Creamy, inviting-looking, not too shiny nor too puffy? These results depend on ingredients, whisking times, and other factors.
There is a debate between those who prefer 'natural' ice cream, without chemical additions(which to this day hardly exist), and those who use bases and neutrals to improve the texture. Everyone has their own preferences and ethics.
Which one is better?
It depends on individual tastes and needs. Some prefer pre-packaged bases for convenience, others choose neutrals to customize each recipe. Still others have companies like ours produce custom bases with personalized recipes.
Those who use neutrals add ingredients one by one, creating custom recipes. This requires more work, but adds a unique touch to have a flavor built ad hoc from balanced characteristics to enhance the type of ice cream.
As for raw materials, the choice depends on quality and certification. It doesn't matter whether you buy from a big company or a local producer, as long as it is ethical and of high quality.
Everyone tries to make their own ice cream according to their own preferences, but having in-depth knowledge can help improve the overall quality of the product.
If you want to learn more about ingredients, how to structure good ice cream, or have other questions: contact us. Our team is at your disposal.